Lucy Blog - Lucy 21 months

Hard to believe that we are coming up on Lucy's 2 year birthday! But she still isn't quite there, so here is her blog from 21 months old (I know, I am a little late for this one).

Normally, every morning Lucy goes to the park that is right behind our apartment building and plays in a large grass area next to the lake. Most days, she also has the opportunity to play with some other dogs. Some come there every day, some we see just now and then. Some days she plays, some days she decides that she just wants to sniff around and look for things to eat.

We continue to take her to agility class each week. I'm shocked that I got Lucy to look straight at me to get the picture before she took off with Tom on the course. Sometimes she does great, and sometimes she thinks we are cows (or sheep) and wants to herd us. She started off this time good enough, but then after the A-frame and the first jump, she decides to go off the course for a bit, then bite Tom's calfs (herding) before getting back into the grove and doing the last jumps well. Right now, the bars are on the ground as she isn't "jumping" them yet.

This was one of her best runs ... just look at her go! She did almost everything perfectly!

You are probably by now wondering if we basically live to drive Lucy to all of her activities, and sometimes, that is close to correct. We also take her every Sunday morning to a puppy recess, where the dogs get to play with each other for an hour. Again, some days she wants to play and other days, not so much. This was a good play-day for her. She played quite a bit with this little white puff-ball. You can see a couple other dogs coming in and out as well, but she was semi-focused on the little puff-ball.

These two are really nice, but I can't take credit. These are pictures taken by a professional photographer that also has a puppy named Roadie. Quite often, Roadie (and his parents) will take some pictures and this specific week, they had setup some photography equipment and were taking pictures for free for the parents. Mind you, you can see on her underside how dirty Lucy was after playing! But they got a couple really nice shots! We plan to get a set of pictures taken by them to create our Christmas cards for this year.

Sometimes we get pictures of Lucy sleeping, as she sometimes sleeps in the oddest ways. If she is flipped over on her back, we know she is sleeping soundly.

More agility ... this one is more about Tom than Lucy. Even with short little legs, Lucy is quite quick and we have to run along with her, somewhat keeping in front of her, to direct her to the next obstacle. In this case, Tom almost fell trying to get to the other side of the dog walk before Lucy got across and down.

All of the obstacles this time (no slalom or seesaw yet) and Lucy did great other than one little hiccup in the middle .... she goes off to sniff something but then comes back and finishes.

And another almost perfect, but at the end, she decides to go off and say hello to the trainer, ChloƩ!

And have you ever seen a more ferocious face on a corgi??